Saturday, May 06, 2006

Disturbing trends in VLPing: Bimmers (III).

As a continuation of my disturbing Bimmer series, I present to you this geographically dislocated BMW owner.

What do you make of a person who drives a german car with an Emory University sticker, Connecticut license plates that read 'NYNY' and lives in Washington, DC?

This person can't quite obviously make his or her mind up. Does he/she want to be back in Atlanta? While he/she was in Connecticut, did he/she so badly want to be in New York the only way he/she could make his/her discomfort of having their residence established in Connecticut shown was by having these plates? And why is he/she living in Washington now?

A lot of people would rather be somewhere different than where they are, even though they've never really been to the place they long for. But, Connecticut plates that read 'NYNY' are frankly a little bit disturbing in their naivete. If you add all the other factors, the fact seems to be this person does not really know where he/she wants to be and that my friends, is really a bitch.