Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Comic-book Alien Races or yet more insufferable egolatry?

Walking around on a lazy saturday afternoon I came across this example of vanity plate. It is not extremely interesting, it is not extremely cool or uncool, it just is.

While the letter's KRE probably mean something to the owner (why else would someone bother to slap'em on a VLP?) they mean absolutely fucking nothing to me.

For all I care he could be referring to the Kree, but I hope no one in the world still believes using the incomplete name of a comic-book alien race as their vanity license plate makes them cool at all. Of course, knowing who the Kree are makes me as dorky as them, should that be the case, therefore I choose to believe 'KRE' is nothing more than the owner's initials: Karen Raimondi Ellsworth, Karl Ruben Engelhardt? Who knows? Who cares? No, really, who does?