Disturbing trends in VLPing: Bimmers (IV).

And so, it came to pass that in the year of the lord 2008 Fidelis Alexander Castor Rux, tyrant of the island nation of Q-ba, passed away leaving a legacy of poor judgement, embarrassing photo-ops and general stupidity on the part of some who are blind to even the most obvious of intellectual manipulation.
"Whooooah!" (This is a direct quote from every single Keanu Reeves movie in history). Where did that come from?
I bet this guy is either cuban or not. I bet he is either fluent in latin (Roll over in your grave, Dan Quayle, that's if you're dead at all) or not. One thing is for sure, or as some of my friends like to say 'fo'sho': This guy sure loves his Bimmer and his sunroof! Maybe he made his fortune selling Cuban sandwiches, or he wants the cold war between Key West and Havana to end. Maybe he wants to enjoy his mojito in El Malecon while watching the sun set on the western end of the island.
Cang we all jus' get along? (read with heavy cuban accent, a la Al Pacino in Scarface).
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